| 1. | Used to establish a lock hierarchy 用于建立锁的层次结构。 |
| 2. | Indicates the intention to place u locks on some subordinate resource in the lock hierarchy 指示有意将u锁放置在锁层次结构中的某个从属资源上。 |
| 3. | Indicates the intention to place x locks on some subordinate resource in the lock hierarchy 指示有意将x锁放置在锁层次结构中的某个从属资源上。 |
| 4. | Indicates the intention to place s locks on some subordinate resource in the lock hierarchy 指示有意将s锁放置在锁层次结构中的某个从属资源上。 |
| 5. | Indicates shared access to a resource with the intent of acquiring update locks on subordinate resources in the lock hierarchy 指示对有意在锁层次结构中的从属资源上获取更新锁的资源进行共享访问。 |
| 6. | Indicates shared access to a resource with the intent of acquiring exclusive locks on subordinate resources in the lock hierarchy 指示对有意在锁层次结构中的从属资源上获取排他锁的资源进行共享访问。 |
| 7. | Indicates an update lock hold on a resource with the intent of acquiring exclusive locks on subordinate resources in the lock hierarchy 指示对有意在锁层次结构中的从属资源上获取排他锁的资源持有的更新锁。 |
| 8. | The database engine uses intent locks to protect placing a shared lock or exclusive lock on a resource lower in the lock hierarchy 数据库引擎使用意向锁来保护共享锁( s锁)或排他锁( x锁)放置在锁层次结构的底层资源上。 |
| 9. | Deadlock detection creates a graph of the locking hierarchy for spin locks , mutexes , and fast mutexes used by verified drivers in order to detect potential deadlocks 死锁检测为旋转锁定,互斥体和匹配驱动使用得最快互斥体创建一个层次锁定的图表,以便检测潜在的死锁。 |